Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Goal April 9

Goal April 9 - Verbal Agreement to Sale.


And now, I shall make a judgemental pov of how to access the office culture in a potential hirer. It just came to my mind whilst reflecting on my cold calling today, so credibility is quite questionable, but here goes anyway. Make a cold call and pretend to want to sell something to the department you are applying to. If the person listens patiently and politely with sincere explanations of what they feel about your proposition, then that department has a warm environment with good team communication. Reason is that the constant liaising has imbued good social awareness and tolerance to unfamiliar ideas. However, if you receive a short, snide and curt retort, you'd better be the kind who likes peace and quietness with minimal communication.

As you can probably infer from my biased observations, I'm the kind who prefers cross-communication. There is a role for all types of personalities and I just sway to one side more at work. Of course, I actually do like solitude time as well. Who doesn't? It's energy sapping to be around people always. But watching the UK version of The Apprentice just now really brought back the memories of how much I wanted to do sales/marketing which involves the product development right up to the handshake to seal the deal. The fluidity, creativity, and autonomy.

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