Friday, November 06, 2009

Why do I always screw up when I want something too badly. I presented myself wrongly a couple of times during the interview and couldn't help it even though I was aware of my wayward approach.


And whenever I go to interviews with a more carefree mood, it always goes better.

SUCKS MAN. Brooding over it the whole evening. I think the last time I had this feeling was when I walked out of the exam hall knowing I screwed up big time and that it counted greatly to my GPA.

Posting this in a whim and probably deleting it soon. Been doing this for the last few posts. Got nothing interesting to blog about nowadays man.

Oh, The fibonacci sequence has an interesting aspect to it.

Before I get into it, there is a golden ratio 1.618, which is naturally occuring in many aspects life. In a nutshell, we tend to find things made in this ratio are pleasing to the eyes.

Now the fibonacci sequence is very simple; take the numbers beside each other and add them up, then place them in the proceeding number position. So it goes like this - 0,1,1,2,3,5,6,13,21,34,55,89,144,..

So what is the interesting thing about this sequence? If you take any of the numbers and divide it by the preceding number, you'll find that the ratio tends towards 1.618 as the sequence advances.

This magic number is known as PHI.

I'm just about going to bed now, but you should google about this amazing ratio. Even the early Egyptians used this to construct their architecture. I would deduce that we can apply this ratio to our daily lives too. Say you want to segment a unit of anything (line, etc), take the length of it as a unit '1'. Afterwhich, segment the unit into 2 parts, where one segment is '0.681' of '1' and the other segment is '1-0.681'.

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