Sunday, July 19, 2009

Stimulating enough?

Poor Obama and his team. 5 months after the first stimulus bill and his people are complaining that things are getting worse; asking for a second stimulus.

5 months. When the stimulus was supposed to produce a result at the end of next year.

See, this is the issue with American culture. The common consensus in their attitudes is this - "We can do it."

Which leads to - "We will do it."

Which means that because America is usually successful in its workings, this attitude will spill over into most of the arenas within the people. The problem is when results don't come fast enough, and this might seem like the plan has failed (it might not have because it could just be a long term goal).

It's not like Obama could say things differently whilst garnering support for a green light on the stimulus. Had he sounded less impactful about it, the bill might not have been passed.

And then again, this 'can do, will do' spirit could be what makes America what it is today. So the question is, should things be said and done differently? I don't think so. It's tried and tested.

The same goes for Singapore. As tempting as the thought of having a more competitive political scene locally might be, we are indeed GOOD now. Should things be done differently? Maybe yes, maybe no. But baby steps. Baby steps so that we know what works and what doesn't, without too damaging consequences.

I think deep down inside us, we know what is good for us. See, a person might think that it would be better to have more opposition members in parliament. When he's entertaining that thought, he's kinda detaching his own personal life from the bigger picture to evaluate what might be good for the general population, theoretically as in competition benefits textbooks.

But I think that when voting times comes, many of us realise that the current political scene has indeed made life good for ourselves, and well, vote for the status quo.

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